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Access Violation with curl 7.4.2 under windows nt4 with config file and -v

From: Kevin P Roth <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 12:48:51 -0600

When attempting to use curl 7.4.2 with a config file containing a -v on the last line, I get an Unhandled Exception runtime error that contains this error: 0xC0000005:Access Violation.

I'm running curl like this:
> curl.exe -K config.txt http://testweb/

Here's my curl version string: curl 7.4.2 (win32) libcurl 7.4.2 (SSL 0.9.6)

config.txt contains:
------- file begins here ------
------- file ends here ------

When I allowed my C++ debugger to trap the access violation, I got a bunch of machine code; here's a small section surrounding the line that caused the error, which was 0040366B (mov):

  0040365F add esp,20h
  00403662 cmp byte ptr [ebp-1101h],0
  00403669 jne 00403694
  0040366B mov al,byte ptr [ebx]
  0040366D cmp al,2Dh
  0040366F je 00403690
  00403671 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
  00403674 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+60h]
  00403677 test eax,eax
  00403679 je 00403687
  0040367B add esp,0FFFFFFF4h
  0040367E push eax
  0040367F call 004236F8

And here's the call stack:
  CURL! 0040366b()
  CURL! 0040313d()
  CURL! 00403bf3()
  CURL! 004011c1()
  CURL! 004011eb()
  KERNEL32! BaseProcessStart_at_4 + 64 bytes

Moving -v to the beginning of the file fixes the problem, so it's not fatal - but curl 7.4.1 didn't exhibit this behavior.

Received on 2000-11-15