cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Behaviour of -C

From: Michael Schwendt <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 16:52:37 +0100 (CET)

Hi everyone!

I've been happy with curl -c option for quite some time.

Now Red Hat have shipped curl 7.3 which turns options -c and -C
into a hell of an unusable mess.

With 6.5.2 I could simply resume an interrupted FTP download by

  curl -v -c -O <url>

With 7.3, this no longer works. Instead of downloading just that
part of the file which hasn't been downloaded already, curl starts
downloading at the beginning, but appends the data to the end of my
local copy. I'd like to know how I am supposed to resume a download
now? Doesn't curl find out the size of the local file any longer?
Do I need to specify the download offset manually, using -O <offset>?
If so, this is not comfortable.


"We created a lazy world and you can't be lazy in the opensource
world. You have to be willing to take imperfection and either live
with it or take an active role to make it better." --
Ivan E Moore (KLPP) - KDE Linux Packaging Project Taken Down
Received on 2000-11-04