cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


URL in config file bug?

From: Kevin P Roth <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 09:18:38 -0500

OK, last question for now...

I see that sticking a URL in the config file (-K option) on a line by itself without any flags will act as a "default" url in case the user leaves off the url from his curl call. There seems to be a bug in this however: if I use a very simple 2-line config file (we'll call it config.txt) that looks like this:


And use a command-line of:

curl -K config.txt

I receive the error "curl: no URL specified!". However, if I comment out or remove the -v line I get the download I was expecting. If I put the -v on the line AFTER the URL, it also works, or if I put the -v on my command line it also works.

I'm using v7.4.1.

Received on 2000-10-25