cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


OT:: Re: AD:Family Reunion T Shirts & More

From: Troy Engel <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:59:40 -0700

Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> 4. Do *not, I repeat, do *not* reply to the mail in the mailing list as it
> only increases the amount of junk mail on the list.

Obviously off-topic by a long shot, but I don't have anything
interesting to add to the C++ thread ("sure, looks great!") :-).
Someone once told me to never reply to spam, even to say REMOVE -- that
they're waiting for that, to know that a real, live human actually got
it to begin with. Kinda like reverse-validation.


Troy Engel :: KeyID DF3D5207
Perl is just another tool in the Unix toolbox. Perl does one thing,
and it does it well: it gets out of your face. - Larry Wall
Received on 2000-09-15